• Poblano Corn Pasta

    Jump to Recipe A Pasta Dish to remember I don’t know about you but I have been craving pasta and this Poblano & Corn pasta gives me everything I want and NEED right now.  It is rich, creamy, a little spicy and just plain YUMMY!   Grill It Up… One of the things I love most about this recipe is the grilled poblanos and grilled corn.  Now I understand it is not grilling season but no worries you can either roast them or use an indoor grill pan and get just about the same effect. That is what makes this pasta a great option year round… you can grill everything…

  • Grilled Summer Veggies

    I am still all in on the summer veggies that are everywhere right now and so to celebrate them I heated up to grill to let them shine. It is still summer  Y’all I know I am so ready for cooler weather (& pumpkin spice everything) but one of the best summer things happening right now are the veggies.  There are some amazing veggies happening at the farmer’s markets and grocery stores. The zucchini is amazing, the squash is just so good, then onions are the perfect sweetness, broccolini, asparagus everywhere & the corn… y’all THE CORN!  PS… more corn recipes coming, I cannot get enough. Summer Lovin & Everything…

  • Mexican Street Corn

    The Holiday weekend is almost here and I am busy thinking about all the yummies I am going to fix.  One dish I know for sure is this Mexican Street Corn Salad.  It is a perfect side for this Holiday weekend. It is so much more than corn Ok, obviously corn is a HUGE part of this dish but that is not all there is to it.  There is also lime, cheese, herbs, chili powder, sour cream…and a few more things.   Let me tell you it all comes together to create a delicious corn salad, that you can serve warm or chilled, that everyone is sure to LOVE!! It…

  • It’s time for a FIESTA

    I don’t know about y’all but I am ready for a little Fiesta.  This Fiesta Chicken is a party in your mouth!! The good news about this meal is it seems quite indulgent but it really is quite healthy….now thats a win! It’s just so pretty I love it when food comes out looking pretty, I really do think it makes it taste better.  Have you ever thought about it?  If something looks good…it just seems to taste good (unless it has bananas in it).  For this dish the pretty not only comes from the salsa on top but also the browned chicken…it really gets some great color on it…

  • A must make summer side

    The Holiday weekend is almost here and I am busy thinking about all the yummies I am going to fix.  One dish I know for sure is this Mexican Street Corn Salad.  It is a perfect side for this Holiday weekend. It is so much more than corn Ok, obviously corn is a HUGE part of this dish but that is not all there is to it.  There is also lime, cheese, herbs, chili powder, sour cream…and a few more things.   Let me tell you it all comes together to create a delicious corn salad, that you can serve warm or chilled, that everyone is sure to LOVE!! It…

  • it’s time for soup (i.e. chowder)

    Thanksgiving is over.  I don’t know about you but I still can’t believe that is almost December and Christmas is coming. As much as I loved Thanksgiving, I am over turkey and ready to move onto something delicious, comforting and perfect for cooler weather…IT IS SOUP TIME!! Bring on some soup (i.e. chowder) What is your favorite fall/winter soup?  Do you love creamy soups?  Brothy soups?  Soups loaded with noodles or rice?  Maybe veggie soups?  Or stews?  Well today it is all about chowder…corn chowder. Ok, Ok I know some you may say chowder is not soup, but trust me this is a must make soup/chowder this winter.  It is…

  • Mom Dibert’s Corn Casserole

    The sis-in-Law’s mom, Cathleen is an amazing cook.  Everything I have had from her has been so, so good.   She is very well known for her pies, but she is also known for this corn casserole. Bring on the corn When Cathleen said she wanted to bring this casserole to our Early Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner I was so excited.  I personally LOVE corn casserole, and my brother had told me how good her was so I couldn’t wait to try it.   A few days before though she told me she wasn’t sure if she could make it as they were having new floors installed and she didn’t…

  • Slow Cooker Creamy Goodness

    We are just over 2 weeks away from the The Big Turkey day and today is all about a side that can be made in the slow cooker…freeing up your oven space.  Make sure and keep check back this week for additional recipes from our Early Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner. Still to come… A family tradition For every family get together at my grandparents, holiday or not, my MeeMaw would always have creamed corn on the table.   She would make big batches of it and then freeze into serving size portions.  It was always so rich and creamy with the perfect hint of sweet in each bite. I have…

  • honey butter corny, corn, corn

    It is summer and that means it is time for CORN! It doesn’t matter how… I don’t know about your family but my family eats corn anyway we can. We love boiled corn, corn on the corn, kernel corn, creamed corn and of course popcorn…but my favorite is grilled corn for sure. Grilling makes it even better… Grilling corn on its own, without anything special is amazing…but when you add in some honey butter it becomes even better.  I also love how easy grilling corn is.  You can throw it on when you put your protein on and it will be done in no time, and you don’t have to heat…

  • the skinny on cornbread

    If you were to ask The Hubby what his favorite all time side is you might be surprised what his answer would be…some might say mashed potatoes (Ok I would say mashed potatoes), some might say rice or broccoli but The Hubby would say cornbread.  He LOVES cornbread!!  There is just one problem…cornbread can be crazy fattening and not very conducive to a healthier eating plan, so I have been working on a lightened-up version of The Hubby’s favorite…only in muffin form! So why muffins…two reasons really.  They make it easy for portion control and they are cute….so its a win all the way around.  If you do not want to make…