couscous like never before

couscous wideA coucous salad is a must have for me in the summer.  Anytime I go to a restaurant that has a couscous side dish option it is always at the top of my list, only behind mac-n-cheese.

Why Couscous?

First, couscous is little pasta balls.  They have a delicious texture and can mixed with a variety of flavors making it a perfect ingredient for almost anything.

Couscous is also delicious warm or cold.  I served this salad warm the first night and then ate it cold for lunch the next 2 days and it was DELICIOUS either way!!

Veggies AGAIN?

Yesterday I posted a new favorite grilled recipe…Grilled Veggies.  Now these veggies are AMAZING on their own but when you add them to this couscous with the dressing it takes everything to the next level.  Yep you read that right…the next level.

If you do not have grilled veggies no worries, you can roast veggies real quick and throw them into the salad.  For this salad I used peppers, onions, brussels sprouts, squash & zucchini, but any combo you like would work great.  You could also use raw veggies if you wanted…you can make this perfect for you!

The Dressing is EVERYTHING!

The veggies are so important is this salad but what brings it all together is the dressing.  I use this dressing on anything and everything.  It is a little sweet and a little tangy making it a perfect dressing for your favorite salad, drizzled over grilled meats or as a marinade.  It is so versatile!!

For this salad I used my original dressing recipe but you could add in some Sriracha for a little extra kick, or some fresh herbs and lemon, instead of lime, for a lemon herb dressing perfect for summer.    Change it up and make it perfect for you!

Get your Couscous on…


Cheese, please

couscous closeI love a little cheese in my pasta salads (ok in any salad) and for this salad I decided to use goat cheese.  Now I know some of you may not be goat cheese fans, and I can understand that.  Feta cheese or mozzarella would be great in this as well…I just love the creaminess & tang the goat cheese brings but use whatever you would like.

Make it your own

The greatest thing about this salad is that you can make it your own.  Use your favorite combo of veggies, make the dressing spicy or herby.  Use whatever cheese you wish..make this a salad that you and your peeps will CRAVE!

This salad is perfect for this summer, and even better you can enjoy it without much guilt…gotta love that!


Remember make today sparkle – MJ

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