• Instant Pot Mongolian Beef

    You know I am a big fan of my Instant Pot and I am an even bigger fan now!!  This Mongolian Beef recipe has made me an even bigger fan than I was before!! All in the Instant Pot One of my most favorite parts of the Instant Pot (IP) is that fact that everything can be done in the IP.  You can saute, brown and cook all in one pot…I LOVE IT!! For this dish the flavors really do come all together.  They build on each other as you add the ingredients.  Again with everything being done in the same pot it just makes it so much better. The…

  • Dinner Party? No problem

    Have you ever been with a group of friends or family and decided to have a little dinner party last minute?  Well that happened to me a few weeks back.   I was visiting with my God parents and my sis-in-law and we decided to have dinner all together.  I had already planned on having my weeknight rib roast so it was no problem to add a few more to the table. A dinner for everyone Now I know rib roast is not something you normally make for a quick weeknight dinner, but my dad found it on sale and picked up 2 bone-in rib roasts.  One had 2 bones…

  • A steakhouse night at home in no time

    It is no secret that I love going to a nice steakhouse for a wonderful dinner, but it is even better when you can everything you love at home.  ANYTIME you want!!   Bringing the steak home To cook a nice steak dinner at home I like to go with a nice strip steak or a filet.  I am a no bone steak kinda girl…but my rancher brother (& the other one too) is all about a bone in ribs eye.  It is all up to you, just adjust cooking time as needed for thickness and desired doneness. To be rare or not? How do you like your steak cooked?…

  • weeknight ready and oh so yummy

    Summer is almost here.  The business of the end of school will be winding down soon and a new summer schedule will start to become familiar.  For me that means it is time to get back into some favorite routines like cooking dinner.   There is not a much better place to start than this stroganoff.. Weeknight Ready, REALLY? Ok, ok I know beef stroganoff is usually one of those dishes that takes all day to prepare.  Most of the time I throw it in the slow cooker and let it cook all day, but I have an even better version for you. My Godmother, Sandy, makes an amazing beef stroganoff.…

  • Valentines at home

    Valentines Day is almost here and I don’t know about you but I love to have a special dinner at home rather fighting the crowds…and this year it is all about steaks. Not your ordinary steak The Hubby loves steaks, and is always up to grilling his favorite cut of meat but this time it is going to be so much more than just a grilled steak…he just doesn’t know it yet. First off we need to season the steaks.  Most of the time I like to keep things simple with just a little salt & pepper but for this steak I want something a little different so I am going to add…

  • a Honey special

    Ok…as you know I am a Texas girl through and through.   I was born in Dallas but have lived in the Houston area since I was 2.  This girl is a big fan of BBQ, Tex-Mex and CHIKEN FRIED STEAK.  In my world a good chicken fried steak can turn any bad day into a GREAT day. I was scared Chicken Fried Steak is one of those dishes that I have always been a little scared to make.  Ok maybe not a little, maybe I am a lot scared to make.  It is one of those dishes with 1000 memories attached to it, and I don’t want to mess it up. Finally though…