A steakhouse night at home in no time
It is no secret that I love going to a nice steakhouse for a wonderful dinner, but it is even better when you can everything you love at home. ANYTIME you want!!
Bringing the steak home
To cook a nice steak dinner at home I like to go with a nice strip steak or a filet. I am a no bone steak kinda girl…but my rancher brother (& the other one too) is all about a bone in ribs eye. It is all up to you, just adjust cooking time as needed for thickness and desired doneness.
To be rare or not?
How do you like your steak cooked? For me I am a rare plus to medium rare kinda girl. I like it pink/red on the inside, but I know a lot of people are medium to medium well peeps so add an additional 2-3 minutes per side as needed.
To reach the perfect temp I always recommend a meat thermometer (like this one) to get it perfect each and every time. Just remember to take it off a little before your preferred temp because it will continue to cook as it rests.
Season everywhere…very well
For this steak I kept the seasoning fairly simple and then made sure it was all over the steak. When I say all over I mean all over…top, bottom, sides, ends…everywhere.
Not only is this going to add a ton of flavor but it is also going to produce a wonderful “crust” all over your steak as you sear it. This is honestly my favorite part of the steak…the little browned bits that form as it cooks.
Oh man, I am getting hungry.
It is time to heat up the grill…
We can’t forget about the butter
One of our favorite steak houses here in Houston is the Taste of Texas. Not only is their meat of the highest quality but their salad bar, sides, desserts and drinks are all top notch. On top of everything else the owners are some of the most genuine and down to earth people I have ever known. Just a quick FYI…you can order steaks from them among a ton of other fun stuff. If you are ever in Houston you have to check them out….it is worth it I promise.
One of my favorite parts of a steak at The Taste (of Texas) is the garlic butter you can have on it. It comes out on a sizzling hot cow plate (check out the website to see what I’m talking about) and it is AMAZING. Well I don’t have a sizzling cow plate but I did make my own garlic butter to slather, yes I said slather, all over this amazing steak.
Let me tell you it was worth every extra calorie…yes EVERY single one. Just try it…go ahead you know you want too.
Don’t forget to let me know what you think!!!