• turning everyone into a sprout lover

    OK, I know not everyone loves Brussels Sprouts, but I think I can change their minds with these sprouts.  They are tender, crispy and loaded with tons of flavor that will make everyone love them. Just a little crisp The beauty of these brussels sprouts is that they have just a bit of crunch and it is from baking them…no frying involved.  I don’t know why but I just love a little crunch on my side dish. To make these just the right amount of crispy…it is all about the panko bread crumbs.  I have always been a fan of these super crunchy breadcrumbs but using them with brussels sprouts…

  • zucchini for everyone

    I have found that zucchini is one of those veggies that people either love or not love…but I have found a solution with these zucchini spears. OK I know you maybe asking yourself…a spear for dinner made out of zucchini?  Yes, I made spears made out of zucchini coated in a  crispy crust that will make everyone a zucchini lover. The very first time I had zucchini (that I can remember) was in Missouri close to my grandparents farm.  There was a restaurant on top of the hill and we would eat there A LOT!  Every time we would go there we would always order the fried zucchini for an…

  • crispy without the guilt

    Crispy & good without guilt sounds like a perfect dinner to me.  Crispy with cheese & good sounds even better!! About 6 weeks ago I had surgery and was not able to get around very well for several weeks.  Finally about 3 weeks ago I could start getting back into the kitchen (much to The HUbby’s dismay) and the first thing I wanted to make was parmesan chicken. OK, now if you know me at all this is not something that I would normally be craving, but after several weeks of food from restaurants and The HUbby’s cooking (which was really great) I wanted a parmesan chicken…I don’t know why, it…