• Banana Crumb Muffins

    I have mentioned this before but I HATE banana’s… like passionately hate them, but I know some of you love them.  So for my banana loving peeps… here you go.  A new muffin love… Due to unforeseen circumstances I found myself with 4 bananas that were starting to turn.  You have to understand bananas are never in my kitchen so when they started to go bad I knew I need to use them quickly.   Muffins seemed like a quick, easy and yummy option… so Banana Crumb Muffins were made.  All about the crumb… My perfect muffin always has a crumb topping… ALWAYS!  My Pumpkin Crumb Muffins are some of…

  • Banana Pudding Cheesecake

    Banana Pudding Cheesecake… yes you read that right, I am using banana’s in one of of my recipes. Let’s talk Nilla Wafer… I am all about a Nilla wafer.  Anytime I have a box of them in the house it disappears quickly.  I also love turning them into crust, and for this cheesecake they are the perfect crust option.  I mean you have to have Nilla Wafers with banana pudding… right? Banana’s are a must… I guess It is no secret I am not a fan of bananas AT ALL.  I don’t buy them, eat them, cook with them… nothing ever.  So when a sweet friend of mine asked me…

  • Salted Caramel Banana Pudding

    So I have a secret… bananas are not my favorite.  I don’t like the taste, smell or texture.  I rarely bake with them, I don’t like to be around someone eating them and I NEVER buy them…unless I am making this Salted Caramel Banana Pudding. It is ALL about the pudding The pudding is really what sets this banana pudding apart from other ones.  It is super rich, creamy and decadent.  The secret to this pudding is something you might not expect…it is sweetened condensed milk.  Yes, you read that right, sweetened condensed milk.  It adds that little something extra, that little bit of unexpected. To amp it up even…