simple green beans are AMAZING!

simple green beans-hSimple sides are sometimes the best sides.  There is just something so good about letting the vegetable come through without a lot of extra seasoning or technique being used to enhance it and these simple green beans are AMAZING!

For me I find that roasting a veggie with a few simple spices really brings out the best in most veggies and these green beans are a perfect example of this simple cooking technique.  

Growing-up green beans was just about the only veggie I would eat, and the love for this little green spear has only increased as I have moved into adult hood.  I love them cooked low and slow, wrapped in bacon, sautéed, even fried but roasting them is definitely my favorite way to enjoy this perfect little veggie.  

Now when I was a kid my mom used canned green beans a lot, we just didn’t have access to all the wonderful fresh veggies we do now but now fresh is all that I use…even in casseroles such as the infamous green bean casserole (my recipe can be found here).  My family was never a huge green bean casserole family but it always seemed to make an appearance on our Holiday tables, but this year in place of the creamy casserole I think we will stick with these simply roasted green beans…and save the creamy stuff for the gravy and mashed potatoes.


Whether you will have green bean casserole or these simply roasted green beans on your table this Holiday season I hope you will fall in love with this simple veggie all over again!

Bring a new tradition to the table and let the green bean be the star!!  

Make everyday sparkle  – MJ

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