Thankful in 2020
Ok… so this year has been one for the record books… in EVERY way shape and form. Even though I am super ready for 2021… there are still several things I am so, so thankful for and honestly this really has been one of the best years of my life.
Check back often for my updated thankful list… a few might surprise you.
#1…2020!! YES… 2020!
I have to say as CRAZY as this year has been there have also been some pretty amazing things.
It started with my birthday (way back in February) and has included unforgettable memories with family, friends and those who I cherish more than life. Next came an epic fishing trip with an epic goodbye at the end. Covid 19 made his voice heard and the world stopped. In the silence though I found me again. I found my voice, my passion, my drive and more importantly my backbone.
I will go through a lot of these special times and people as I live through this month thankfulness.
This year has truly been life changing and in all the up’s and downs I am more thankful for this year than really any other year so far. So keep reading and join with me in the month of thankfulness (even though I am starting a little late).