• Creamy Chicken and Cauliflower Rice Casserole

    Ok everyone…Today is THE DAY.  Today is the day that I started my KETO journey.  And today is also the FIRST time I have ever had cauliflower rice…it is a VERY BIG DAY peeps! So why KETO? There are 2 main reason why I am jumping onto the keto train.  First is for me.  I have always struggled with my weight and in the last year I have become even more motivated to get it under control, being back in the dating world will do that to you.  I have a really good friend who started this journey a few months ago and has had tremendous success, I am so…

  • Roasted Veggie Couscous

    Spring veggies are just about ready in my part of the country. The farmers markets are starting to get loaded up with beautiful produce and this couscous dish is one of my favorite ways to highlight so many of those veggies. It starts with the veggies With so many beautiful veggies popping at my farmers markets and in my grocery store it was hard to choose which veggies to use for this delicious salad.  First I knew I wanted to use peppers, red, yellow and orange.  I love how sweet early spring peppers are and these were just perfect.  Next I threw in an onion.  I used a white onion,…

  • Grill the weekend away…

    What are your plans this weekend?  Are you taking a little time away?  Hanging out with friends and family?  Are you grilling?  In my house we will be grilling for sure…and who knows what else. Whats on the grill? Are you doing burgers (like these sliders)?   How about those fries I posted yesterday?  Maybe some BBQ chicken or fish?  The possibilities are really endless, including the beginning of a delicious dessert like these grilled pineapples. This last week The Hubby branched out a bit and threw some veggies and sausage links on the grill…and it was AMAZING!! Sausage? The Hubby and I love Costco.  We get everything from meat…

  • zucchini for everyone

    I have found that zucchini is one of those veggies that people either love or not love…but I have found a solution with these zucchini spears. OK I know you maybe asking yourself…a spear for dinner made out of zucchini?  Yes, I made spears made out of zucchini coated in a  crispy crust that will make everyone a zucchini lover. The very first time I had zucchini (that I can remember) was in Missouri close to my grandparents farm.  There was a restaurant on top of the hill and we would eat there A LOT!  Every time we would go there we would always order the fried zucchini for an…

  • healthy + chips = new favorite

    The word healthy was a yucky word to me for many years.  Healthy meant veggies, no flavor and boring.  Did you ever think that?  Has the word healthy been hard to swallow before?  Well don’t worry…it is soon to become one of your favorite words because now healthy can be chips too! One of the first veggies I first fell in love with was zucchini.  It started with the fried appetizer version at a great local dive where my grandparents lived when I was a kid, and eventually it moved to a baked version.  When I say eventually I mean EVENTUALLY…it took like 20 years, but I did eventually get there.…

  • taking chicken soup to the next level

    Chicken soup is a childhood memory that is one of my favorites for sure.  Growing up we had several versions that would show up every once in a while.  Sometimes it was chicken and rice, or chicken and noodles and when we went to my MeeMaws it was chicken n dumplings…and now we have Mexican chicken soup.   Don’t get me wrong I love all the traditional chicken soup’s out there but I wanted to change it up a bit, while adding in a little kick and some extra veggies along the way…plus it was all made in the slow cooker making it a perfect weeknight dinner without a lot…

  • Veggies & enchilada soup is so, so good

    Enchilada soup is definitely a favorite of mine & The Hubby’s but I have been working on how to incorporate more veggies into it without losing all the richness of a more traditional version.   There is just something so good about the chicken, enchilada infused broth, beans and of course the cheese…I would never forget the cheese and with the added veggies it is lighter than some other recipes. To start with I wanted to make sure I used veggies that The Hubby and I would both love so zucchini, squash and bell peppers were defiantly a must along with the more traditional veggies of onions and garlic.  I…