• Easy Peasy Sauce

    DO you have big family dinners in your family?  We try too and our family dinners are so much more fun now that we have my nephew and niece …they both love to eat and are sure to provide a show of some sort making it fun always. A family tradition… One thing we always try to make family dinner is easy and this sauce is perfect for any family dinner. Growing up mom would usually make something kinda special.  A favorite casserole (like this one) or her almost famous fettuccine alfredo, or chili when it was cool outside.  Whatever it was you knew it was going to be good.…

  • Quinoa to the rescue…

    Quinoa is a favorite with me.  I always try to find ways to get it into the menu at least once a week.  I mean not only is quinoa super “in” right now, but it is also loaded with tons of good stuff for you.  I mean it is naturally gluten free, it is packed with protein and it is considered a superfood…I mean anything that is a superfood has to be AMAZING!  I just love the word superfood…it kinda makes me feel like I have some superpowers. I have used quinoa in several ways such as this quinoa enchilada casserole or this quinoa chili (yes I put quinoa in chili…it…

  • a memory remade for my love from veracruz

    Do you and your love go out to eat on Valentines Day or do you stay home and enjoy a quite night without all the crowds.  The Hubby and I have done both, and we both agree staying home is really nice.  You can fix exactly what you want (like this tilapia veracruz) and then you can watch your favorite romcom and call it a night…it is a win win for everyone. Now most Valentines Day that we stay home The Hubby will grill steaks and I will fix some sides that we both love, such as twice baked potatoes, creamed spinach and then something yummy for dessert…but this year…

  • homemade is so worth it

    I cannot believe that 2016 is already here.  With all the traveling and family obligations the Holidays had the last few weeks just flew by.  Don’t get me wrong it was an amazing Christmas.  My nephew, Wesley, was loving everything the season had…except maybe Santa… and it was so fun watching him experience it all.  Then with my precious new niece, Audra, she is only 3 months so too little to really take it all in, but I did get to buy the most adorable baby girl things for her, and who doesn’t love buying precious little girl things?  After celebrating Christmas with the family here in SE Texas The…