• Simple Roasted Chicken

    Roasted Chicken is truly one of my staples for lunch & dinner.  I mean think about it you can pair it with just about anything & it is done in no time…making it perfect for dinner this week. All about prep… In my opinion prepping the chicken is the most important part.  This is when you can ensure there will be tons of flavor, it will be juicy and get the golden skin.  So how do we do all of this… well, hold on…here we go. First is about the flavor.  I prefer a little lemon, some herbiness (not sure that is a real word) and some delicious seasoning.  So…

  • Simple Perfection for dinner

    Sometimes the best dinner is all about something super simple, but super delicious.  This chicken may seem a little simple, but just wait until you try it…it is so, so good! Simple and SO GOOD! In my world simple starts with just a few ingredients and as few steps as possible to make it amazing.  And for this chicken it is all about the seasoning combo. When it comes to seasoning combos I sometimes like to use a very fine blend, but sometimes I like a more course blend.  I find that a course blend can really amp up the flavor without adding a ton of work….and that is a…

  • simple chicken, with TONS of yum

    Sometimes simple chicken really is the answer for dinner, and this simple grilled chicken is a perfect choice for dinner tonight!! A family affair One of my favorite family traditions is family dinner.  We try to all get together (at least with us that live in SE Texas) at least once every few weeks and there is always good food.  A few weeks a go The Brother and Sis-in-Law hosted family dinner and fixed this simple grilled chicken.  Not only was it delicious but it is now a favorite! Now don’t let the name fool you, it may be simple to fix but there is nothing simple about the flavor.…

  • simple salmon = delicious

    As I have said before simple really is sometimes the best way to go…and this simple salmon is definitely the best I have had in a while.   The Hubby and I love salmon and we have had many different ways.  Some with sauces, such as this Lemon Caper Salmon, or some grilled like this Grilled BBQ salmon … but I have to tell you one of our favorites is just this simple salmon and this spice combo makes it AMAZING!! The spices are simple, and you probably have them all on hand…and if you don’t you really should because they can make almost anything yummy…but anyway this simple combo adds just…