• a “healthy” mash

    Mashed potatoes are a must have at all of our Thanksgiving celebrations and our Pot Luck Thanksgiving was no exception, but these have a little twist that surprised everyone. Make sure and check back often to get these recipes very soon… Pot Luck Fun One of the best parts of a Pot Luck dinner is never really knowing what is going to be coming through the door.  And while this is a Thanksgiving Pot Luck I did have a pretty good idea of what to expect my Sis-in-Law really surprised me. She said she was bringing the mashed potatoes and I LOVE mashed potatoes so I was super excited. Only she told me…

  • no cans here….

    This is the second of several recipes from our recent Early Pot Luck Thanksgiving Dinner.  Don’t forget to keep to checking back often for more new recipes that will help make your Thanksgiving something to remember. Still coming…. Let’s talk about the Cranberry Sauce Are you a fan of cranberry sauce?  I feel like you either are or your not.  There doesn’t seem to be too many people out there that are in the middle of the cranberry debate.  Well, I was not a fan either until I started making my own cranberry sauce from FRESH cranberries…thats right there are no cans in this recipe. It is all about the FRESH…

  • It has a veggie in it, so it’s healthy… right?

    The life of a food blogger is fun no doubt, but when it comes to the Holidays it can get a little hard to come up with new recipes each year.  So this year I decided to have a Friends and Family Early Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner and have everyone bring their favorite dish.  And this is just the beginning of the yummies that showed up that day.  Make sure and check back for all these other recipes that will be posted in the next few days. Coming Soon…. For The Hubby When you ask The Hubby what he wants on the Thanksgiving table his first response is broccoli and…

  • one pan cheesy goodness

    Busy weeks mean quick dinners are a must and this one pan cheesy potato dish is a perfect side.  Yep cheesy potatoes all made in one pan, and done in less time than it takes to bake some chicken. Lets talk potatoes Do you walk into the potato area of your grocery store and your head starts spinning at all the options?  I know mine has before.  Which one works best for baking, for roasting for pan frying? I found this chart not too long ago and I think it is so helpful when deciding which potato you should choose.  Potatoes are not just for baking anymore, but some potatoes are…

  • Roasted Balsamic Veggie Goodness

    Over the last few years I have learned to LOVE veggies.  I love them raw, grilled & steamed but my favorite is roasted.  And these roasted veggies are my ALL TIME FAVORITE!! Good for you… Now we all know that veggies are a good choice but when you make them extra yummy they become a GREAT choice.  The key to make them even better than normal is all in the seasoning.  Just a little goes a long way.  So with a little extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and chili powder you can take ordinary and make it extra-ordinary. Since the veggies are loaded with goodness for you splurge…

  • rice gone wild

    Are you a rice or a potato person?  I am 90% of the time a potato gal except when we are talking about wild rice. not in a box? There is always a box of that Uncle’s Wild Rice in my pantry.  I  sometimes whip it up for a quick side.  It may have been fixed it for my lunch a couple of times as well.    I mean it really is just a perfect little side (or lunch)….and then I discovered something at the store one day. Just imagine it I am walking down the grain aisle to grab some couscous and sitting right there is a bag of wild rice.  But wait, it’s…

  • potatoes without the oven…YES I promise

    I just can’t stand turning on the oven in the summer.  It is just too hot here in Texas.  I mean the heat index today was like 110 degrees or something crazy like that.  Thank you Jesus that I work inside!! Even though it is summer… Even though it is summer The Hubby still wants his meat and potato dinners.  I am a fan of meat and potatoes, but it is so hot outside.  Can you hear the whine in my voice?  Yes, I am whining.  Since it is so hot outside I just can’t stand turning on my oven, especially to bake a potato…so it is time for the…

  • Grilled Vegetables like never before

    We love to grill here in the sparkles n sprouts house.  As I am sure you have seen we grill everything from burgers, to pork to fish….but these grilled veggies are a new favorite. Grilled Vegetables, Really? OK, I know what your asking.  Veggies are really a favorite?  YES, these veggies are loaded with so much flavor they are a new favorite for sure. Not only are they loaded with flavor but they are also not so bad for you either.  It doesn’t get much better than that. Loaded with flavor, Really? Yes!  That is the short answer…these veggies are loaded with TONS & TONS of flavor. So where does…

  • honey butter corny, corn, corn

    It is summer and that means it is time for CORN! It doesn’t matter how… I don’t know about your family but my family eats corn anyway we can. We love boiled corn, corn on the corn, kernel corn, creamed corn and of course popcorn…but my favorite is grilled corn for sure. Grilling makes it even better… Grilling corn on its own, without anything special is amazing…but when you add in some honey butter it becomes even better.  I also love how easy grilling corn is.  You can throw it on when you put your protein on and it will be done in no time, and you don’t have to heat…

  • zucchini for everyone

    I have found that zucchini is one of those veggies that people either love or not love…but I have found a solution with these zucchini spears. OK I know you maybe asking yourself…a spear for dinner made out of zucchini?  Yes, I made spears made out of zucchini coated in a  crispy crust that will make everyone a zucchini lover. The very first time I had zucchini (that I can remember) was in Missouri close to my grandparents farm.  There was a restaurant on top of the hill and we would eat there A LOT!  Every time we would go there we would always order the fried zucchini for an…