• Quick and easy lunch with some pesto love

    Summer is in full swing and that means quick and easy lunches are a must.  Something that is yummy, delicious and perfect for a quick bite in between swimming and a trip to the park…I love summer! Just a few ingredients Chicken salad is a favorite of mine.  I love the traditional version with mayo, mustard and celery.  I also love a fancier version with apple,  cranberries and walnuts… but my favorite chicken salad is this Pesto Chicken Salad.   It is light but still full of flavor.  I use pulled rotisserie chicken.  I love how easy it is but also the flavor.  Even better at my local grocery store…

  • a new pesto love

    Are you a pesto fan?  I am for sure…I love pesto anyway, anyhow.  Especially when it is changed up a bit. Arugula for the change-up I am a big fan of basil.  I love using it in my red sauce for pasta or for a simple bruschetta, but for pesto I prefer arugula.  It adds a bit of peppery bite to the pesto without it being overpowering.  I also love the color.  It is not too dark, and not too light…it is the perfect green.  Now I know this is not the traditional option, but then again when do I keep things traditional?  And if you want to be traditional…

  • Pistachio fluff?? Yes, please

    Growing up there is one side dish that I always remember being on almost every Holiday table…Pistachio Fluff Salad.  I also remember that I was never a big fan of it (I didn’t like anything green as a kid) but I knew that everyone else LOVED it).   Fluff…yes please!! As I was thinking about our family Easter dinner this year I kept thinking about that green stuff that everyone seemed to love, (& my brother asked for it) so I decided it was time to make it.  Now as I am sure you have realized a lot of childhood memories are a little distorted being that they are from…

  • couscous like never before

    A coucous salad is a must have for me in the summer.  Anytime I go to a restaurant that has a couscous side dish option it is always at the top of my list, only behind mac-n-cheese. Why Couscous? First, couscous is little pasta balls.  They have a delicious texture and can mixed with a variety of flavors making it a perfect ingredient for almost anything. Couscous is also delicious warm or cold.  I served this salad warm the first night and then ate it cold for lunch the next 2 days and it was DELICIOUS either way!! Veggies AGAIN? Yesterday I posted a new favorite grilled recipe…Grilled Veggies.  Now…