Work Plan not Measuring up?
Is your work plan not EVERYTHING you thought it was going to be? LET ME HELP YOU! I can help fill in the missing pieces I can help you with some options that can include unlimited Dr visits, affordable accident protection plans, critical illness insurance for the maybe’s of life and income protector coverage for the just in case. Comment below or connect with me on Facebook or Instagram to learn more. FREE QUOTE!
Let Me Help You!
It is the perfect time of year to find a new plan for you and your family and I am here to help you do that. You NEED Health Insurance! You, your family and your employees NEED Health Insurance. Not only do you need it for the routine stuff you also need it for the unexpected…such as accidents or unexpected illness. Let me show you how to protect yourself from extra out of pocket expense against the unexpected. Pin this now so you don’t lose my info Contact me TODAY for a FREE quote!
FREE QUOTE!! I am here to help You, Your Family and Small Business. Contact me TODAY for a FREE quote! Make sure and follow us below so you never miss a thing!
It is Open Enrollment Time
Open Enrollment is here once again. Could it hurt to take a look and see what else is available? I could possibly save you, your family or small business some money. Let me try! Contact me for a FREE quote!!
Back to School Time
I CANNOT believe Summer is almost over and school is starting. It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating school getting out. As much as we may want to summer to stick around for a bit, it is time to start getting back into the groove, and it is also a GREAT time to make sure you, your family and employees are covered with health care coverage. NATIONWIDE PPO PLANS & SO MUCH MORE Contact me to TODAY for a FREE quote from a nationwide PPO plan, low out of pocket, dental, vision and life all wrapped into one plan. DON’T WAIT Get covered now, don’t wait……
Summer is ending…and you still need coverage
Summer is almost done… I cannot believe it. It literally seems like yesterday we were celebrating July 4th. I hope you had an amazing summer! Oh yeah, did you sign up for some amazing health insurance? No? Well I can help you with that… give me shout today for a FREE quote! Contact me TODAY! I work with individuals, families and small business owners.
Glitter is always an option
In my world…Glitter is ALWAYS an option!!! A little extra sparkle and shine can turn any day into a day to be remembered.
Just Bloom…you will be so glad you did
Just Bloom. This is something that I have to remind myself of on a regular basis. Take a look around Bloom? Really?? Yes. Every once in a while I make a point to look around at how amazing my life really is. I don’t have the biggest house, or the newest car, or the most money in the bank, but what I have is AMAZING and PERFECT for me RIGHT NOW. Things change. Circumstances change…but that doesn’t mean my outlook has too. I choose to find joy in today, no matter what the day holds. Don’t compare You are enough. Read that again…out loud. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Be proud…
Father’s Day love
Father’s Day is just around the corner…like in just a few days and in my family my 2 brothers and I always claim to be the favorite of my parents. Now we all know deep down that I am the favorite, but they insist on making that claim as well. For this Father’s Day I wanted to do something real special for dad. I wanted to let him know just how good of a dad he has been, and this sign seemed like the perfect gift. I printed it out and put it in a frame so he can always remember how good of a dad he really is, and…
hello new week…
I love Monday’s, the beginning of a new week! It is like the greatest start over day and to make it even better it comes around every 7 days. Each Monday I make a point to take some time Monday morning I take some time to sit write down and my accomplishments from the previous week, goals for the new week, some things I am thankful for and then I get to work. I just feel so energized and ready for a great week! Whether you have a Monday morning routine (or not) this colorful reminder is something good to remember for sure. Each new week can bring about great new things…