• Queso Burger

    I am all about a yummy burger and this Queso Burger is everything! It all starts with the queso What makes this burger super special is the combo of your favorite mexican inspired yummies and a traditional burger.  the star for me is the Queso.  Growing up in Texas I have been blessed with amazing Mexican/Tex Mex food my whole life.  One of the staples of tex max is queso, aka cheese dip.  After many attempts I have found one that I love and I can make at home in no time. This queso blanco is so good and perfect on this burger or at your next party! Now let’s…

  • KETO Queso Burger

    This KETO Queso Burger is everything you need in your life RIGHT NOW!  This whole burger kinda happened by accident.  I was craving a burger but I also wanted Mexican food, well really just quest dip, so I decided to marry the two into this amazing KETO QUESO BURGER! It all starts with the burger (and then the toppings) For this burger I went with a 80/20 blend of ground chuck.  If you wanted to use a 90/10 blend or 70/30 blend go for it, just make sure to adjust cooking time as needed.  The leaner the meat the faster it will cook.   I used 1 1/2 pounds of…

  • Chicken Flautus

    A few weeks ago I got to spend the week with some of my favorite people.  We fished, cooked and hung out and it was AMAZING!  One of the dishes that my sweet friend Shannon made were these Chicken Flautus and they were so good I have to share them with you. It all started here… To make these flautus super special Shannon made her own version of Rotel that the chicken would eventually soak up.  Honestly I thought she was crazy to make her own and questioned why she wasn’t just using the favorite canned version but she assured me I would understand once I tasted it and she…

  • It’s time to celebrate…with queso

    I don’t know about you but I cannot believe it is almost New Year’s.  2018 is literally just around the corner…that is just so crazy.    What are your plans for New Years?  Are you going out with a big group of friends?  Maybe staying home with the family?  Are you throwing a get together with your neighbors?  Well whatever you might be doing this queso would be a great addition. A classic at home… A few months ago I was fishing at my Godparents house and their niece Shannon came down for a fishing tournament we were in.  Well, little did I know, but she is my sister from…

  • Cinco de Mayo all weekend long

    Cinco de Mayo is technically May 5th, but in my world it lasts all weekend long.  It starts with nachos and margaritas and ends with a flan cake or brownies with more margaritas in the middle.   Yes…and maybe a few more margaritas! Just a sample of what is on our menu… ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]There will be a little something for everyone this weekend.  We will have a little heat, a little sweet and of course a little cheese.  It will be a weekend to remember for sure!! To start everything off with You have to try the Queso Blanco.  It is rich, creamy and a perfect way to start…

  • a little queso fun at home

    Whether you plan on celebrating with a big party or a simple dinner for the family this Queso Blanco is a MUST MAKE!  Just trust me it really, really is. My most favorite (& that is saying a lot) I am not sure there are enough words in my vocabulary to express my love for queso.   I judge restaurants by their level of queso.  To make it great it has to be rich, creamy, not too thick and not too thin, with a little heat to make it the perfect bite. One of my most favorite queso’s I have ever had was actually from a cheesesteak place here in…