• Dill Pickle Dip…yes you read that right

    Well it is Super Bowl Weekend!!  I can’t believe it is already February….this year is already flying by. Party Time?! What fun plans do you have this weekend? I live in the Houston area so we are going to take in some of the fun Super Bowl activities and taking some time to chill out a bit with family.  We will be watching the Big Game from home and I know one thing that will be on the menu…Dill Pickle Dip!  Yes I said dill pickle dip. Dill Pickle Dip? Ok, so I know this may not be what you were expecting, but trust me it is AMAZING!  There is a local restaurant that…

  • Sweet, Sticky & Grilled

    The Super Bowl is just a week away, and that means it is time to start thinking about the food.  In our house we will have a dip of some sort, like this Party Dip or this Dill Pickle Dip.  We will also be grilling. Since we do live in Texas, grilling is almost a requirement and these sausages are definitely on the menu. A little sweet & a little heat The Hubby loves a little sweet with his heat and these grilled sausages offer a bit of sweet for sure.  To bring a little sweet with a little heat I start with my Homemade BBQ Sauce.  This sauce is my…

  • bacon makes this party dip ROCK!

    One week from today is the SUPER BOW!!  What do you have planned?  Are you starting home with just the family? Planning on having a big party? Maybe going to a party? Well, whatever your plans this dip would be a great treat that everyone is sure to love. A classic…updated So why this dip…well every party we have we always have the Ranch Party Dip.  The little dip packet you find in the salad dressing aisle.  And we love it, just as it is. As much as I love it I know I could take it to the next level and what better to do that than to add bacon.  In my family bacon…

  • skinny but oh so blue cheese dip

    Do you love dip?  I LOVE DIP!  Every party I have, whether big or small, there is always a dip of some sort.  Sometimes I will have the traditional ranch dip (or this amped up version), sometimes a dill pickle dip and sometimes something sweet to go with fruit.   Skinny and so GOOD This year for the Big Game I am going to be making A Skinny Blue Cheese dip.  This dip will not only be delicious with veggies and chips but it will also pair GREAT with these Skinny Buffalo Tenders.   So what makes it skinny, you ask?  Well, to start with I use nonfat greek yogurt mixed with reduced…

  • Naked Buffalo Tenders (Keto/Low Carb)

    I don’t know about you but the Super Bowl is a big deal in my family.  We usually have some sort of get together with friends and family.  When it is party time that means is time for food and lot of it!! It’s not just about the Game Now for the women we primarily watch the game for the commercials and for the half time show, but I know the guys watch the game for the actual game.   I mean who can forget the Janet Jackson show or the Beyonce show…the list goes on and on.  Of course there are also some great football memories as well, but…

  • A last minute must make

    New Years Eve is here!  I cannot believe 2017 starts tomorrow.  2016 has been a crazy year and I want to make sure to finish it off with a bang, and these Sausage Balls are a perfect way to do that. Bring on the balls These have been a must have at all of our holiday parties since I was a little girl.  They were always a favorite of mine, but especially of my brothers. To this day the minute December 1 hits my brother calls me and asks for this recipe because it is sausage ball season. Simple and so good The funny thing is my mom made this recipe…

  • it’s a nacho weekend

    I LOVE NACHOS!  There you go, I admit it.  They are one of my favorite items to order and make when I am craving tex-mex. Now a nacho is not just a nacho, there are tons of varieties of nachos you can have but this one is a favorite for sure. meat or NO meat? Now if you were to ask The Hubby he would say meat, and his choice would be seasoned ground beef.  Honey (my mom) would say meat, and her choice would be beef fajita meat.  My nephew is a no meat kinda toddler, and me…well I am up for any of the above. One of my…

  • fryin’ up a super yummy onion strings

    What are you serving up this weekend for the Big Game?  Are you doing all appetizers, BBQ, pot luck, or burgers and hot dogs?  Whatever you are serving these onion strings are amazing and will be a hit with all your guests for sure!   Ok, now I know I have been trying to eat healthier and post healthier recipes but sometimes you just have to splurge a little and for me Super Bowl Sunday is always one of those days.  Now I am not saying you have to go crazy but a little splurge here and there will be ok.  For me a splurge is either going to be…

  • slow going spinach artichoke dip

    The Super Bowl is just a few days away, no matter who you are rooting for, or even if you know who is playing (lets be real you only watch the commercials)… it is time to start thinking about all the yummy party food you get to eat!  Now if you are watching what you are eating this time of year can be a little hard…but don’t worry I have a lightened-up slow cooker spinach artichoke dip that everyone is sure to love and you won’t have to feel guilty indulging a little. My favorite thing about spinach artichoke dip is the creamy, rich, cheesy part.  I love how the…