• School Lunch Ideas

    It is back to school time once again.  I honestly have no idea where the summer went, but it is time to jump back into school head first.  Not only is it time to wake up early but it is also time to think about school lunches that the kids will actually like…well I am here to help. Don’t Stress The last thing you need to stress about with back to school craziness is lunch…use this chart, School Lunch Ideas Printable and let the kids help pick what they want, to make lunch easy, and maybe even a little fun. On Saturday or Sunday let the kids pick what sounds good,…

  • Back to School Lunches made Easier

    Back to school is here.  I cannot believe how fast this summer has flown by.  I may not have any littles of my own but I have loved hanging out with some special ones this summer and honestly I am a little sad they are going to back so soon. To help out my mommy friends out there I thought I would share my quick reference School Lunch Planner that helps keep the lunches healthy but also fun and delicious. A little something of everything  First you start with a main course.  You can keep this pretty simple but still yummy.  Some ideas I had was as simple as a…

  • Quick and easy lunch with some pesto love

    Summer is in full swing and that means quick and easy lunches are a must.  Something that is yummy, delicious and perfect for a quick bite in between swimming and a trip to the park…I love summer! Just a few ingredients Chicken salad is a favorite of mine.  I love the traditional version with mayo, mustard and celery.  I also love a fancier version with apple,  cranberries and walnuts… but my favorite chicken salad is this Pesto Chicken Salad.   It is light but still full of flavor.  I use pulled rotisserie chicken.  I love how easy it is but also the flavor.  Even better at my local grocery store…