• Instant Pot Black Eyed Peas

    Black Eyed Peas are a must every New Years Day & this should be your go to recipe.  This year I decided to try a new recipe & let me tell you it is so, so good and all made in the Instant Pot. Black Eyed Pea tradition… Every year my parents would make black eyed peas for New Years Day with cornbread, this is my favorite cornbread recipe.  My mom would always use the leftover ham from Christmas which made the black eyed peas AMAZING!  For this recipe I used ham and smoked sausage.  I mean why not make them even better. What is your New Year’s Day tradition?…

  • Easter Menu … DONE

    Easter is just around the corner and in my family we always have a BIG family lunch to celebrate.  When it comes to big family dinners the menu cam sometimes become a little overwhelming, but do not fear I am here to help.  Below you will find a little something for everyone…including my favorite DESSERT! Fluff, first First let’s start with one of my brother’s favorite, Pistachio Fluff.  Now I am not going to lie I was not a fan of this “salad” when I was growing up but I have learned to appreciate it as an adult.  It is a staple on all of our Holiday tables and rarely…

  • no oven space needed for this ham

    Easter is this weekend and that means it is time to start planning the menu and trust me this ham is a must have for your Easter get together.  I don’t know about your family but Easter always mean ham to us.  We used to buy it from that Honey Baked place and it was crusted with this delicious sweet crust and as delicious, but also expensive so this Easter I decided to try to fix one myself. No oven needed There are tons of ways to fix a ham.  Some recipes call for maple syrup, some for pineapple slices, or pineapple juice, while other just have a spice rub…for me I…

  • ham, ham, beans & more ham…

    Easter has come and gone, and if your refrigerator looks anything like mine it loaded with tons of leftovers.  I have some au gratin potatoes, green bean casserole, pistachio fluff and of course ham…tons & tons of ham…so why not add some beans to the mix?   It never fails, you think you buy a ham that is the perfect size for all the peeps you have coming, where most of it will be eaten and there won’t be half a ham in your fridge the next day…but it always seems to happen.  Every year I say I am going to buy a smaller ham (and I did this year)…

  • never order a ham again

    Almost every Thanksgiving my brother-in-law will order a ham from that honey place, but this year I decided I wanted to tackle it on my own…I mean it surely couldn’t be that hard. First I had to decide if I wanted the it to be sweet, more spicy or fruity.  After discussing it with The Hubby we decided a combo of sweet and spicy would be the way to go so off we went.  Second we had to find the ham…off to the store we went.  After looking at several of the hams piled up we decided on a 9 pound bone-in hickory smoked one.  The name alone sounded yummy so anything…