• Back to School Time

    I CANNOT believe Summer is almost over and school is starting.  It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating school getting out.   As much as we may want to summer to stick around for a bit, it is time to start getting back into the groove, and it is also a GREAT time to make sure you, your family and employees are covered with health care coverage. NATIONWIDE PPO PLANS & SO MUCH MORE Contact me to TODAY for a FREE quote from a nationwide PPO plan, low out of pocket, dental, vision and life all wrapped into one plan.   DON’T WAIT Get covered now, don’t wait……

  • Easter Scavenger Hunt for the Kids and Adults

    Easter weekend is always such a fun and special time in my family… especially since my niece and nephew have come along.  After the egg hunts and Easter baskets though it can be a little boring for the kiddos…until now.  It is Scavenger Hunt time. Scavenger Hunt Time To add a little more fun to the Easter celebration let’s have a scavenger hunt.  Yes, a scavenger hunt.  I always loved doing these as a kid, even as an adult, and at Easter it is even better.   There are jelly beans, chocolate and bunnies involved…can it get any more fun?? To print your FREE copy click HERE For kids of…

  • Summer Bucket List FUN

    Happy First Day of Summer!! I cannot believe how fast this year is going.  It feels like Christmas was just yesterday.  Because the year is flying by I have made a commitment to enjoy the summer with my friends and family.  Slow down a bit and try and knock off as much as I can off this bucket list. A little something for everyone… Fun inside and out Being from SE Texas where it is 100% humid all the time and can rain one minute and be sunny the next I made sure to have activities that are perfect for inside and out.  I love getting out as much as…

  • You are capable & AMAZING!!

    Sometimes it is nice to have this reminder….YOU ARE CAPABLE & CAN BE AMAZING! Today! Today is your day to be amazing! Today is the day to show the world just how capable you are. Today is to make something happen. Today is the day to start. Today is THE day! BE AMAZING! Whether there is a goal you have been striving towards for what seems like a decade, or it is time to restart and set some new goals…today is the day.  Today you can start over and be AMAZING and do AMAZING things…because you are more than capable to be AMAZING!! Share this with all those people in…

  • Believe ALWAYS!

    Sometimes all you have is is what you believe in.   Miracles are everywhere Growing up my mom and dad made sure to always help me to look at the bright side of things.  As I got older they also helped me to learn to appreciate all of God’s miracles that are all around me. Some miracles are small like a flower blooming or how a caterpillar knows how to crawl.  Then there are some BIG miracles like a child being born or someone being healed from a  disease. There are also some miracles that maybe we don’t appreciate as a miracle, but they truly are.   Everyday Miracles Miracles are…

  • Happy Father’s Day

    This FREE printable is a perfect way to wish your dad, or another special man in your life, a Happy Father’s Day. Print it out and use it to make a homemade card, or frame it with a  sweet note. You could also use it as a sign to say good morning to your dad when he wakes-up on Sunday. However you decide to use it, your dad is sure to love it. How to print your FREE Father’s Day sign … You can here to print out a FREE version. Make this weekend special for the special men in your life with this sign wishing them a great day!! Make today (&…

  • something special for Memorial Day

    Memorial Day weekend is finally here and that means it is time to thank all those who serve, have served and their families who supported them, but it also means it is time to gather with friends and family and celebrate the freedoms we have here in this GREAT country.   I don’t know about you but I always love a little decoration for any of my BBQ’s or get togethers…and for my Memorial Day table I plan to display this printable in a cute frame and use some red, white & blue bandanas for napkins and voila I have a table ready for Memorial Day!! What are you going to…