• Roasted Veggie Couscous

    Spring veggies are just about ready in my part of the country. The farmers markets are starting to get loaded up with beautiful produce and this couscous dish is one of my favorite ways to highlight so many of those veggies. It starts with the veggies With so many beautiful veggies popping at my farmers markets and in my grocery store it was hard to choose which veggies to use for this delicious salad.  First I knew I wanted to use peppers, red, yellow and orange.  I love how sweet early spring peppers are and these were just perfect.  Next I threw in an onion.  I used a white onion,…

  • couscous like never before

    A coucous salad is a must have for me in the summer.  Anytime I go to a restaurant that has a couscous side dish option it is always at the top of my list, only behind mac-n-cheese. Why Couscous? First, couscous is little pasta balls.  They have a delicious texture and can mixed with a variety of flavors making it a perfect ingredient for almost anything. Couscous is also delicious warm or cold.  I served this salad warm the first night and then ate it cold for lunch the next 2 days and it was DELICIOUS either way!! Veggies AGAIN? Yesterday I posted a new favorite grilled recipe…Grilled Veggies.  Now…