• Blueberry Snack Bars

    I am so obsessed with everything berry right now.  Every time I walk into my grocery store or my local Farmer’s Market I am overwhelmed with how beautiful the berries are right now.  Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries, lots of blueberries.   Blueberry, Love I love blueberry anything and at anytime but I really love them for a snack.  I always try to keep them on hand for a quick bite when the afternoon is just dragging on or for a late night snack.  A few weeks ago I found them on sale and decided to testa  few recipes to make the blueberry shine. After several tests on several recipes I…

  • Triple the Berries…Triple the Yummy

    I cannot get over all the beautiful berries that bursting at my local grocery store and farmers market.  It seems everytime I go to the store I cannot help but buy several…they just look that good. What to do with all these berries? As much as I can’t resist the berries I now have to figure out what to do with all of them.  First I made my Berry Smoothie, and then I put some on ice cream.  Next I made my Berry Tart and then I just ate them on their own.  I used a lot of them but there was still some left…so what could I do next?…

  • a berry muffin morning is a Spring must

    Spring is in full swing in my part of the world and I cannot get enough of all the yummy that comes with Spring.  Every time I walk into the produce area of my local grocery stores and farmers markets I am overwhelmed by all the beautiful veggies & fruits.  I am especially in love with all the berry goodness!! There are raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries EVERYWHERE and they look so, so good.  I love all the berry varieties but when I was in the grocery store not too long ago they had a combo of strawberries, blackberries and blueberries that were almost screaming my name (ok they were…