mashin’ up a sweet tater
A sweet tater (or potato if your not my dad) is God’s gift to the land of yummy starches…at least in my opinion. I just love the bit of sweet (or sometimes a lot of sweet) and the bright orange color and of course all the delicious dishes you can make with these little orange treats.
OK, now I know some of you might be thinking that a sweet tater dish is for the holidays, like in this sweet potato casserole, or as a side to your burger in fry form…but trust me this mashed sweet potato recipe is a must make that will make everyone fall in love with sweet potatoes and have them begging for them all year long.
Now don’t get me wrong I love me some sweet potato casserole and sweet potato fries but not too long a go we were at a favorite steak house and they had mashed sweet taters (yes, that is what they call them) and I had to try them. I had of course heard of this sweet mashed treat but I had never had it so I decided this was the time and place…I mean if I didn’t like theirs I probably wouldn’t like any version. The only thing I was really worried about was the texture, as sometimes sweet potatoes can be a little stringy so I was curious how the mashed version would work out…and let me tell you…it was AMAZING!!
When I asked the waiter what made these so special he said it was because the potatoes were first baked and then mashed…giving them a great texture (remember that is what I worried about) and a depth of flavor you don’t get from boiling. Well before we even got the check I was already planning my meal when I was going to fix my own version of this new favorite side.
To make this sweet tater side my own I added in some chili powder. I really love how the heat works with the sweet really giving this dish a great sweet and “spicy” combo. The spice is not really a super hot it is more like a little heat and smoke…if you want to leave it out no worries…its up to you. The beauty of this recipe is you really can make it with all your favorite flavors to really make it your own.
I hope this dish will find its way onto your table very soon…oh and I almost forgot to tell you…it is lower in fat, calories and points than most other mashed options, so this really si something everyone can enjoy!
Remember, make every sparkle – MJ
Sorry just one more thing…you could use this for a side at thanksgiving…it is just that good (& super easy)!!