kicky shrimp on the grill

grilled chili shrimp-hI love shrimp!  There I admit it…I L.O.V.E those cute little things!  Since I was a little kid I have always been a fan.  One of my earliest memories involves this favorite treat.  There was a restaurant in Houston that I loved, JoJo’s.  It was a family type of place that we ate at quite often and I would always get their fried shrimp.  To my 6 year old self this was without a doubt the BEST dinner ever…I didn’t care that they were frozen, rubbery or over cooked (really over fried, but I don’t think that is a legitimate cooking term)…none of that mattered to me … I loved my JoJo’s fried shrimp.  

My mom and MeeMaw tell the story that everytime we would pass the restaurant on the freeway that I would yell “JoJo Shrimp” over and over again,  now I don’t remember that exactly, but I do remember the shrimp (and the huge aquarium in the middle of the dining room)…anyway not important.  

As I have got a little older (just go with me on the little part) my love for the cute little things has only grown.  Not only do I still love a good fried version, my love has grown to broiled, roasted and of course grilled….and this grilled version is a perfect balance of heat with a  little sweet making it perfection.


We served this shrimp with our new favorite risotto to make it a light and pretty healthy dinner, but it would great with pasta dressed in a lemon butter sauce or with some cheese grits (ok now I am craving shrimp & grits).

If it is not outside grilling time in your part of the world you can definitely grill these inside on your favorite grill pan or even sear them in a hot skillet.

 Bring a little kick to dinner tonight!

Happy (half) Baked Life – MJ

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