It’s time to celebrate…with queso

I don’t know about you but I cannot believe it is almost New Year’s.  2018 is literally just around the corner…that is just so crazy.   

What are your plans for New Years?  Are you going out with a big group of friends?  Maybe staying home with the family?  Are you throwing a get together with your neighbors?  Well whatever you might be doing this queso would be a great addition.

A classic at home…

A few months ago I was fishing at my Godparents house and their niece Shannon came down for a fishing tournament we were in.  Well, little did I know, but she is my sister from another family.  I have not laughed as much as I did that weekend with those girls.  We did not win the tournament but we did have an AMAZING time and made friendships that will last a lifetime and we also ate queso…lots of queso.

Shannon (see below) is a Texas girl but is currently living up north where queso is not so easily found, so she created her own recipe and it is SO GOOD!  It is just like the classic quest’s we get at our favorite Tex-Mex places we have on almost every corner here in Texas.

Quick and Easy…

Not only is it delicious but it takes no time to make.  You literally do everything in the microwave (or slow cooker if you want) and it is done in less than 5 minutes.  I don’t know about you but a rich and creamy cheese dip that is ready in less than 5 minutes sounds like a perfect snack or patty food in my world.

If you want you can prepare this in the slow cooker, just make sure to stir regularly so it does not burn.

You need to make this ASAP


Whether you are going out or staying in for New Years this queso needs to be a part of your New Years plans.  Trust me this will be a win win with everyone!!

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