Get what you NEED…not just what you WANT
Do you ever find yourself wandering around the grocery store not 100% sure what you NEED but 1000% sure of what you WANT? Well, I know I have many times and that is why now I am all about making lists… and I love this one.
A good list…
Lists are a must for me not only for the grocery store but for life in general. Stay tuned as there will be some fun ones coming your way here at Sparkles n Sprouts.
For this grocery list I use this on a weekly basis. I make my meal plan (using this plan) and then I inventory the pantry and fridge and then get to making my list. This way I know I have what I need but not a ton of extra stuff I do not need.
Make sure to remember to check back soon for more lists and tools to help make your life a little easier.