Roasted Rib Roast
My brother blew it out of the park this past Christmas with the Roasted Rib Roast… trust me you need to make this ASAP!
It all starts with the seasoning
Having a good crust on a prime rib is everything and this recipe gives you a great crust but with just a few ingredients. To make the rub it is just Montreal Steak Seasoning and some extra pepper and that’s all. Seriously, it is all we use and just look at that crust!
If you do not have Montreal steak seasoning you can use any all purpose seasoning you have, I highly recommend a course seasoning though for a pretty & tasty result.
Season all over
Make sure and get the seasoning not only on the top and bottom but the sides are super important as well. As it is in the oven getting all yummy and roasted, the seasoning melts into the meat. There is nothing like a good end piece that has ample seasoning… those who get the middle piece will be envious I promise, even if it is cooked more than they may want.
It is also important to season a little more than what you may think is enough… just trust me. Just go for it.
We also threw in some veggies in the bottom of the pan to help make the gravy even more flavorful… this is totally optional but so yummy.
Roasted to perfection
My brother has perfected his recipe for the perfect roasted rib roast. The ends are medium and the middle is rare-medium rare… truly perfection. Even better it is super simple.
You start by roasting the meat at 500 degrees for 15 minutes and then reduce temp to 325 and cook for 5 minutes per pound. Once the time is up, check temp to ensure internal temp is 115-120 degrees and then remove and let rest for at least 15 minutes and done.
Love not only how yummy it is but also how simple it is.
Time to get Roasted
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