Homemade Pigs-in-the-Blanket

Pigs-in-the-Blankets were are a staple in my childhood and even still now… especially these homemade ones.

Homemade (well the blanket part at least) … like from scratch

My mom would always use crescent rolls for her piggies (that is what would call them), but I don’t always have crescent rolls on hand so I decided it was time to change it up a bit.  As much as I love a good crescent roll, I am not into making them from scratch so I decided to go with a more simple approach.  This dough is a a cross between biscuit and a light bread.

It is super easy to mix up, comes together super quick and is the perfect blanket for the lil’ smokies.

Get to rolling…

Once you get your seasoned dough rolled out it is time cut it into strips & get to rolling.  One batch of dough is enough for a package of lil’ smokies so about 32.  That should be plenty of piggies for breakfast/brunch and then maybe a few for later.  You could also sneak a little cheese in there if you wanted.. just saying.

Get the kids involved and get them to roll for you!

Let’s talk toppings…

I am all about the traditional pigs-in the-blanket but to jazz things up a bit I decided to top mine with everything bagel seasoning.  Yep, you read that right, everything bagel seasoning.  I am kinda obsessed with it right now (be no the look out for everything bagel dip & chicken).  It just adds that little extra something.  I prefer this Trader Joe’s version but any variety will work.

If bagel seasoning is not your thing you can leave them plain for use any seasoning you would like or maybe just a pinch of salt.  However you decide to make them they will be delicious.

Time for some pigs-in-the-blanket


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