I am Thankful for my Career
My dream career started almost 2 years a go. After my dad passed away and I took time to get everything settled for mom and I, it was time for me to decided what this new chapter was going to look like. Little did I know what an adventure it would be.
Why Health Insurance?
I get asked all the time why I jumped into the health insurance world. Honestly it was some luck and a desire to help others.
I will share more about my dad and his journey next week, but in short he was sick for a long time. Through his years of being ill I was able to learn a lot about the healthcare world and how it works and honestly doesn’t work.
I was looking on LinkedIn one day and I received a message from a guy in Pennsylvania asking me if I ever thought about selling health insurance. To be super honest I ignored his message for a few weeks. He was persistent and messaged me a few more times and then finally I started to pay attention. The next few weeks are a blur and before I knew it I was a licensed health & life insurance agent.
Within another few weeks I had my first sale under my belt and on my way to making this my new career.
Keeping it Simple
Health & Life Insurance can be so confusing, but my goal is to always keep it as simple as possible. I work hard to explain the plans and benefits in a way you can understand and feel good about it.
About 6 months ago, in the middle of the Covid crisis I started looking at some additional options in the health and life world. When I started I was a captive agent and really loved it. Now being in the business for a bit I decided it would be a better fit for me to be a broker where I have access to 100’s of plans and several carriers so I can help more people.
It is hands down one of the BEST decisions I have ever made and I am so excited to be able to share it with you all.
Being that it is open enrollment please know I am here to help you in any way I can.
It is not just a Career…
My health & life career is not just a career. It has given me a new purpose. A new drive, a new excitement. I look forward to getting up everyday and helping people and I love the challenges that it can bring. At the end of the day I love the feeling I get when I know someone is feeling more secure knowing they are covered well.
I always wanted a career that I was proud of and excited about and I have finally found that.
I pray you have the same in your life and if you don’t… why not?
To stay up to date on health insurance and more follow me on Facebook.
Until we chat again,