Oreo Lasagna

oreo lasagnaThere are certain foods I CANNOT have in my house because I will eat all of it and  this dessert is full of one of those sinful treats…OREOS!  I love all Oreo’s and yes I think I have tried most of the varieties….but my favorite is the original.  There is just something about the chocolate wafers and that delicious creamy middle…I just love them.

A surprise….

The Hubby loves Oreo’s as well, so when I told him about this dessert he was so excited and asked me to fix it right away, & has asked me to make it several times since, so it is definitely Hubby approved.  The last time I made it was when my mother-in-law was staying the night with us and I wanted something that was pretty, special but also very easy and something I didn’t have to bake…its just too hot to have the oven on…so this layered dessert was the obvious choice.  I didn’t tell The Hubby that I was making it as I was afraid he would try and sneak a piece (or two) before I served it, but he was so excited when I pulled it out of the refrigerator.

I love this dessert so much because you can make it a day in advance, or even a couple of days, and it is perfect.  This would be perfect for a pot luck dinner or an end of summer get together.  Trust me this dessert will be making an appearance at a small group dinner I am sure.

You can make this…


Lasagna is not just for dinner anymore!



Make everyday sparkle – MJ

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