Quinoa to the rescue…

mexican quinoa-hQuinoa is a favorite with me.  I always try to find ways to get it into the menu at least once a week.  I mean not only is quinoa super “in” right now, but it is also loaded with tons of good stuff for you.  I mean it is naturally gluten free, it is packed with protein and it is considered a superfood…I mean anything that is a superfood has to be AMAZING!  I just love the word superfood…it kinda makes me feel like I have some superpowers.

I have used quinoa in several ways such as this quinoa enchilada casserole or this quinoa chili (yes I put quinoa in chili…it was AMAZING!) or these amazing quinoa broccoli bites.  Quinoa really has become on of my favorite healthier ingredients and I love using it in almost anything.


If you have spent much time here in Half Baked Land you know that I love mexican food, but sometimes it can be not so healthy so I have been on a quest to find some healthier options for Taco night or to go with my favorite enchiladas to where I don’t feel quite so guilty after indulging a little.  Now rice in general is not too bad for you but why not make it great for you, while still enjoying all the great flavors of your favorite side.  When you combine quinoa with tomato sauce and all the amazing spices it really does transform into a delicious side that is perfect for your favorite mexican dishes.  Even better this is a great way to get quinoa on the menu without the kids (or even some adults) knowing.  

You can also use this quinoa dish with your favorite baked fish or as a side for cajun lime chicken…it reheats great so make a big batch and you can have it for another meal later in the week.  However you decide to use it, trust me you will LOVE it and maybe even gain some superpowers in the process.  

Make everyday sparkle – MJ

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