garlic & brown rice make a happy couple

garlic basil brown rice-hI have a new love…BROWN RICE!  Now rice has always been a love but all of a sudden brown rice is the only rice I crave…and trust me when I say crave I mean CRAVE!  

Not too long a go I was not feeling so good…I got a cold that wouldn’t leave me alone and the only thing I wanted to eat was brown rice.  I love the nuttiness of the rice, the texture of the rice and I really LOVE how flexible this rice can be.  It really does take on almost any flavor or spices you throw at it to making it so versatile and perfect for almost any day.

For this particular dinner I was making my Sassy Salmon and I wanted a simple side that would not only stand on its own but also be a perfect compliment to this already delicious dinner.  

To start with I have a special ingredient I use almost every time I make rice…chicken stock.  I cook my rice in chicken stock (or maybe beef stock depending on the dish it will be accompanying).  So why do I do that you ask…why not just water?  Well I have found that it adds a ton of flavor without a ton of calories and fat while really letting the spices and herbs shine through with the rice.  


For this rice I wanted to showcase garlic and fresh basil.  I thought this combo would work well with the sweet and spicy salmon while still letting it shine on its own.  As it turned out I loved the salmon but I really LOVED the rice.  It was tender with hints of fresh basil and garlic in each bite.  If basil is not your favorite you could use fresh parsley or another favorite herb such as thyme or even sage…really making it perfect for your family.

I know my love for brown rice may seem a little crazy but trust me once you start playing with some flavors you will fall in love with it as well.

Happy (half) Baked Life – MJ

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