green beans all bundled up

green bean Bundle Up-fb

***If your looking to make your Holiday Green Beans something to remember then these bundles are a MUST MAKE!  I have updated the recipe to reflect a slight change I made the last time I made them…the addition of Worcestershire sauce adds a richness to this already wonderful side (updated November 2015)

Several years a go we had a pre-Thanksgiving lunch at work and a coworker brought the most amazing green beans.  They were these cute little bundles wrapped in bacon, and I just couldn’t stop eating them.  That year I decided I would make them for our family Thanksgiving and ever since then they have been a staple at all our family holidays.

My favorite memories of these little bundles started a few years back when The Hubby and I decided to go spend Christmas with my grandparents in Missouri.  Due to work schedules and family obligations we were unable to leave until Christmas Eve and just for some additional Christmas fun a crazy winter storm was moving through Oklahoma and Texas.  We loaded the car up with clothes, blankets (just in case something happened), presents and these green bean bundles and got away before the sunrise.

We were well into north Texas when the roads got really bad.  There was ice all over the road, cars were littering the ditches and we were driving WAY below the speed limit.  It was looking like we were not going to make it in time for dinner but hopefully we would be there in time for bed, because finding a room was going to be hard in the small towns we were travelling through.  As we were just about 30 miles from Missouri, all of a sudden we started spinning and before I knew it we were in the ditch and my passenger window had snow more than half way up and we were leaning.  After our initial panic and The Hubby making sure we were ok, we finally got through to AAA and  was assured help was on the way and then let my grandparents know we were ok and would be there as soon as we could…and then my Grandad asked the best question of all, “Are those green bean things ok?”

Long story short we did finally get pulled out of the ditch, and we were able to drive our car and we made it to the farm that evening in time for a late dinner and a soft bed.  The next morning we celebrated Christmas morning and then MeeMaw and I prepared dinner and all my Grandad could talk about were those green bean things.  Once we finally sat down to eat between my brother and him we didn’t have any leftover green bean bundles at all!!  He loved them, which makes me love them even more.


To this day The Hubby and I are responsible for bringing the bundles to almost every family Holiday dinner…I sure hope The Hubby is ready to roll.

 Go ahead and get to bundling, your family and friends will be so glad you did!!

  Happy (half) Baked Day – MJ

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